Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's Going On With Me

So I feel bad for not posting for a while but not going to lie I have forgotten about my blog. I'm going to start using it more for beauty and just things going on in my life. As some of you know from my current videos I have hurt myself at work. I was walking into work one icy morning and I slipped and fell. At 6 is when I was supposed to work in the morning and it had rained all night then it froze creating the ice on the ground. I slipped and my left shoulder hit a metal railing and my left side hit a curb. I'm sore and therefore can't do a whole lot. My shoulder and side are both bruised and I think that I'm going to go to the doctor on monday (this accident happened on friday). The good part is that I had this weekend off so I could put ice on it and rest all weekend. For the beauty part, I am going to start posting mini reviews on here and swatches. When I do my nails I will also take pics on post them on here. My life is very busy right now for those that know me. I work 2 jobs ( a fulltime and a part time), I do my schooling online that way I can go to work, and I also have like a mini family (my boyfriend, his son part time, and our dog living in our own place). Sorry for such the long post but from now on I will try to make them a lot shorter!

Bye for now everyone
~ Justine

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